View The Work Our Students Have Been Able To Create

Take a look at the final projects completed by our students, which include creating a website, designing a poster, and conducting an interview for a local organization or business. These projects culminate in everything they have been learning in the past 8 weeks and demonstrate how they can apply their skills to make a tangible impact on their community.

Discover the websites designed by our students as a portfolio of everything they have learned in class so far. These websites showcase their growing digital literacy, creativity, and the diverse skills they've acquired, from basic coding to content creation.

Explore the photographs captured by our students, highlighting the life and diverse cultures within the Kakuma Refugee Camp. With photography, they can showcase the world around them through the lens of their cameras

Check out the podcasts the students have created, sharing their unique stories, experiences, and insights from life in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. Podcasting allows them to have a voice in a society that often silences them, and gives them a platform to share their experiences and stories.